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International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business, Banking and Finance
(ICIEBF 2024)

October 15-16, 2024

"Strengthening the Islamic Economics, Finance and Business: Towards the Innovative, Inclusivity and Sustainability"

Registration for Conference

In continuation of the preceding series of International Conferences, the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business at Universitas Islam Negeri Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu, Indonesia, is convening the International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business, Banking, and Finance (ICIEBF 2024) scheduled for October 15-16, 2024. This year's conference is conducted in collaboration with the International Islamic College of Bangkok, Krirk University, Thailand. Notably, the conference maintains a distinguished reputation with its proceedings subject to peer review by board committees. It is pertinent to highlight that the conference attracts participation from Southeast Asian nations, Australia, and India.

Sub Topics

  1. Islamic Studies and Contemporary Thought
  2. Innovation in Islamic Financial Products
  3. Sustainable Economic Development
  4. Halal Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
  5. Financial Inclusion and Social Equity
  6. Hajj Management and Organisation
  7. Zakat, Waqf and Infaq in adapting global challenges

Important Dates

  • September 25, 2024: Full Paper Submission Deadline
  • October 5, 2024: Acceptance paper
  • October 15, 2024: Conference Day

Keynote Speakers

Tuan Hj Nasiruddin Mohd Ali

Tuan Hj Nasiruddin Mohd Ali

Chairman & CEO GISB Holdings Malaysia (To be confirmed)

Dr. Edward Mariyani-squire

Dr. Edward Mariyani-squire

School of Business, Western Sydney University, Australia

Invited Speakers

  1. Dr. Edward Mariyani-squire :
    School of Business, Western Sydney University, Australia
  2. Syaikh Ali Abdullah :
    Imam Masjid Al-Hijrah, and the Board of Imams of Centre for Islamic Dakwah and Education, New South Wales, Australia
  3. Dr. Bandit Aroman :
    Assistant to Vice President, International Islamic College Bangkok, Krirk University, Thailand
  4. Dr. Muhammad Tolan Kaemah, :
    Dean Faculty of Education Yala Rajabath University, Thailand
  5. Prof Abdul Majid Khan :
    Department of Islamic Studies, Aligarh Muslim University, India
  6. Dr. Romi Adetio Setiawan :
    Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, Universitas Islam Negeri Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu, Indonesia
  7. Dr. Abidean Wankhwan :
    Vice President Shariah Product Department and Acting Vice President Government Policy Department, Islamic Bank of Thailand
  8. Dr. John Walsh D.Phil :
    Associate Dean and Director English Language Program, Krirk University Thailand
  9. Dr. Ahmad Walid, M.Pd :
    Fakulty of Education, UIN Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu, Indonesia

Welcoming Speech

Prof. Dr. Zulkarnain, M.Pd

Prof. Dr. Zulkarnain, M.Pd

Rektor UIN Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu

Opening Speech

Prof. Dr. supargi, M.Ag

Prof. Dr. Supardi, M.Ag

Dean Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business UIN Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu


Selected papers will be published to one of the following publishers:

  1. Al-Intaj: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Perbankan Syariah (Sinta 2)
  2. Jurnal BAABU AL-ILMI: Ekonomi dan Perbankan Syariah (Sinta 4)
  3. International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Thought
  4. Journal of Linguistics and Language Teaching (Sinta 2)
  5. Indonesian Journal of Integrated Science Education (Sinta 2)
  6. MADANIA: Jurnal Kajian Keislaman (Sinta 2)

All selected papers submission should follow the registration procedure of the journal.

Registration Fee

  • Local Presenter (Offline) : IDR 300.000
  • Local Presenter (Online) : IDR 150.000
  • Local Presenter with International Team : FREE
  • International Presenter : FREE
  • Local Student Presenter : FREE

Venue: Aula Djam’an Nur, Universitas Islam Negeri Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu - Indonesia

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