Paper Submission ICIEBF 2024
Before submitting your manuscript, please ensure to meet all the following requirements:
- Original and has not been published or under consideration for publication
- Abstract should be 250 words
- Written in a Good English or Arabic between 4500 - 9000 words
- Included at least 25 latest references using Reference Management Tool such as Mendeley or Zotero with APA Style
- Follow the Author Guidelines, download and use our template
- Save your paper into MSWord format with no more than 5 Mb
- Submit your paper before September 25, 2024
Author Guidelines
Before Submission
Before submitting make sure that your manuscript is suitable to our ICIEBF 2024 sub-themes
Preliminary Assessment
The author should ensure that all manuscript submitted must be original and has not been published or under consideration for publication in any other journal. The manuscript should be written in a Good English between 4500 - 9000 words and included at least 25 latest references using Reference Management Tool such as Mendeley or Zotero with APA Style.
The Manuscripts Structure
- Title. The title must contain the main issue of the paper. The title should be clear and informative, and not more than 14 words.
- Author's names and institutions. The author's names should be accompanied by the author's institutions and email addresses, without any academic title. For a joint paper, one of the authors should be notified as the corresponding author.
- Abstract, keywords, and JEL classification numbers (if available). The abstract of your paper is a critical part of your manuscript. It should clearly state the Purpose, Methods, Findings, Implication, and Originality of your manuscript. The length of the abstract should be between 150-250 words, including keywords and article classification. JEL Classification is available at
- Introduction. This section explains the background to the study, a review on the previous researches in the area, and aims of the manuscripts. It should also show the significance and novelty of the research.
- Literature Review and Hypothesis Development. This section explores relevant literature review regarding the topic of your manuscript, it should be followed by the hypothesis development proposed by the author.
- Methods. This section describes the appropriate tools of analysis along with the data and their sources.
- Results and Discussion. This section explains the results of the study clearly and concisely. Author(s) should discuss by exploring the state of the art and novelties of the work to the economics literature.
- Conclusion. This section concludes and provides policy implications, if any, of the study.
- Acknowledgment. Please acknowledge anyone who contributed towards the article who does not meet the criteria for the authorship including anyone who provided professional writing services or materials. If you do not have anyone to acknowledge please write ‘not applicable’ in this section.
- References. This section lists only the papers, reference books, or other types of publications referred in the body of the manuscript. Manuscript are expectedly involved primary and updated references.
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